Quick update and plans
Hey guys. I know I have't been active much in the past few weeks, but I simply had too much work to do. I'm working on my first book, beta-reading someone else's, and don't get me started on the amount of school work I have to do since the end of the year is just month and a half away.
I have neglected learning Dutch and Italian, read only three books in the past month and a half and I don't have time to dedicate to my blog posts.
But here is what I'm planning to do here once I have time:
-Books as form of art vs books as a form on entertainment
-Ten European classics that I think everbody should read
-Ten Croatian classics that I think should be available in English and other languages
-Interview and/or guest post with/by author of The Storyteller, Andrea Tomić
-a blog post about Marija Jurić Zagorka - one of the most influential women in Croatian literature and among the strongest in our history
-at least one book review
How is everybody doing?
Hoping I will have more time for this blog in near future :D