It was just ok

Blues Harp Green - Nicole Schubert

I recieved a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Big thanks to author Nicole Schubert.

This was an okay read. I have to admit - it did take me a while to get myself into the story and I had my doubts about rating this book, but I decided to give it 2*

There are two things I really liked about this book. First of all, our MC had a goal she wanted to achieve and realistic obstacle she had to overcome, something many people can relate to. Francie wants to be a tennis player, but the problem is that she's injured her knee.

Another topic that this book touches is alcoholism. Francie's dad's alcoholism in this particular story. I think it added some depth to the plot and another perspective to our MC.

This in a way leads us to my main problem with this book: Francie and Chet. Maybe it's just me, but their relationship seemed very forced and I didn't really like them as characters. They were both annoying in different ways and, even though they were bearable, I had to put the book down couple of times.

What really slowed the book down and made book difficult to read was the writing style. Sentences were really short, breaking the natural flow of the text and making it hard to put yourself in the story. This would have been less of the problem had the story been told in first person, but third person point of view just made it stand out more.


On a side note: it made me smile when author mentioned one band in her Acknowledgements called Plavi orkestar. I grew up on some of their songs and to see them mentioned in a book that is in a different language was such a nice detail.